This time of year feels like we are “going in” for the winter. “Going in” is a metaphor for me. As I am preparing for colder weather, I am going in emotionally too.
One of my favourite authors, Louise Hay says, “The triggers in your life are things you have not fully healed.” COVID has forced us to look at the 10%s in our lives, our emotional triggers.
As I write my fourth book, I am going deeper into the challenges, traumas and losses. Writing about past events is like reliving them; it can be very triggering. Things that I thought were fully healed, are not. With a work calendar that has, once again, been wiped out due to COVID, I will spend this fall writing and healing the last few triggers that are coming up for me.
Here is my plan for healing …
90% of the time I will wake up very early. With a tea in my hand, a candle burning, and pets by my side I will quiet my mind. I will “go in” and focus on what comes up for me. I will journal what triggers need healing. 10% of the time I will sleep in!
90% of the time I will focus on ruthless self-care. I will look at everything that blocks me from self-care and ask if I can accept, change or eliminate it. Nothing in your life will change until you believe you are worth taking care of. 10% of the time I will do too much to keep my business and home running.
90% of the time I will read books, listen to podcasts and YouTube videos that will give me more tools to help me heal. 10% of the time I will binge-watch mindless Netflix.
90% of the time I will eat warm, nourishing, healthy food. I follow an Ayurveda way of eating, and I have never felt better in my life. 10% of the time I will eat cheesy carbs and drink a big glass of wine.
90% of the time I will take a nature walk with my adorable dog, Holly. I will feel my feet on the ground and look up at the sun. I will feel grateful to be alive and healthy. I will say thank you for the endless content I have received for this book. 10% of the time I will lay on the couch.
90% of the time I will stop when I feel triggered and fearful, and I will put my hand on my heart and say, “You are loved” and breathe deeply. 10% of the time I will allow the feelings of anger and sadness come up and I will have a good cry.
90% of the time I will create a peaceful evening ritual and go to bed early. The evening is not a time to think about triggers. My husband Darren always says, “everything is better in the light of day.” 10% of the time I will stay up really late.
This fall, I invite you to … go in.
Go in and ask yourself, "What is a trigger for me?” and “What is my plan for healing?”
Let’s all end this very long 2021 … healed.
Healing hugs,