Darci Lang Attitude Booster: December 2009

Published: Wed, 12/30/09


For December 2009


Created by Darci Lang (Professional Speaker, Trainer & Best Selling Author)
www.darcilang.com, info@darcilang.com, (306) 569-1354


There are so many reminders this time of year to be grateful.


Traveling home a couple of weeks ago on a cold delayed flight I was catching myself focusing on the 10%s. I was at the end of a long traveling schedule and feeling a little weary. We arrived in freezing cold Regina to late luggage and a half an hour wait for a taxi.  Though I was chanting 90% 90% in my head, I was feeling sorry for myself as I stood one of the last people in the airport waiting for a ride.


I could see the taxi driver smiling as he pulled up to the airport. He jumped out and carefully loaded my suitcases in his car.  His energy was infectious.  We exchanged the usual pleasantries. I wasn't really in the mood for talking ( very unlike me - just ask my husband!) but I wanted to know more about this happy man on this dark cold night.


He told me how he had just moved to Canada with his wife and their four children.  He went on and on about how lucky he was to have found this job and how lucky we are to live in Canada. He told me funny stories of his children seeing snow for the first time.  They had rented an apartment and he raved about how lucky we are to have homes of our own.  He told me his parents would join them next year. When I asked if he would need to rend a house instead of the apartment for extra room, he seemed shocked at the idea. He said with sincerity "oh no, we have plenty of room for everyone". 


As we pulled up to our middle class house he sat back and said, "Wow, you live in a palace - you are a lucky woman".   I gave him an extra big tip and crept into my sleeping house.


I quietly sat on the bench at the front door and took a minute to Focus on my 90%s.  I have a job that I love. I get to travel; some people have never been on an airplane.  I live in a safe beautiful city, however cold, to raise our children in.  Our house, though it is older and needs some work, it is a house, even a palace to some.  My health, after my HINI scare- something I will never take for granted again.  A healthy sleeping family to come home to.


It is easy to slip sometimes and focus on the 10%s, what we don't have, what we wish we had and start to feel sorry for ourselves. It is wonderful how God always puts someone in my path during those times to remind me of what is really important and how grateful I should be.


What are you grateful for during this special time of year?  Stop and take a deep breath right now and reflect on your 90%s. Maybe make a list on your desk to look at to remind you.


Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Many blessings.



Don't forget Darci's book has become a Canadian "Best Seller". 
"Focus on the 90%: One simple tool to change the way you view your life." by Darci Lang is available in book and cd format and makes a fabulous gift. Order here

Attitude in Action:
At this time of year, it is easy to get caught up in the gifts and the entertaining. Take a few minutes each day to think about what you have to be grateful for and to reflect on your 90%s. 

Quotes to Ponder:

Can you see the holiness in those things you take for granted -- a paved road or a washing machine? If you concentrate on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will sudenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.
- Rabbi Harold Kushner
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
- William Arthur Ward

Boost a Buddy:
Forward this email to a friend who could use a boost. It's easy for them to sign-up and absolutely free. They just go to www.darcilang.com and sign up.

Note: e-mail addresses will not be shared with any other person or organization.

Contact Info:
Darci Lang is a Professional Speaker, Trainer and Best Selling Author who has been inspiring people across Canada to improve their attitudes for over 15 years. If you know someone who could benefit from Darci's message at their next conference, quarterly staff meeting or customer appreciation night please ask them to give Darci a call.

Ph: (306) 569-1354
E-mail: info@darcilang.com
Website: www.darcilang.com

© (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Boost" is sent out periodically. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright, 2009, www.darcilang.com). 

Have a Great Attitude Day!