Darci Lang's Attitude Booster, January 2009

Published: Mon, 01/26/09


For January 2009

Just one thing.

Created by Darci Lang (Professional Speaker, Trainer & Best Selling Author)
www.darcilang.com, info@darcilang.com, (306) 569-1354


I over heard two women talking in line at the grocery store the other day and one woman asked the other if she had made any News Years Resolutions?  She replied "Oh why bother, I have so many things I want to improve AND I never stick to them anyway".


Could I relate to that!  I found in the past that I did not stick to my resolutions either. Just like the woman in line at the grocery store, I felt there were just too many things, too many "10%'s" I wanted to improve. At the start of a year I would buy a lovely flowered journal and write out what I wanted to resolve to do better in the upcoming year. I wanted to be healthier, write more books, build a stronger marriage with Darren, more quality time with Jayda and John, more time with family and friends, internal healing work, etc, etc , etc...


So here is what I did a few years ago. I decided I would only work on one thing a year. I would spend the entire year working on just that one thing.  People ask me, "Where do I start?" Sit by yourself for a few minutes and think about the biggest stress- your burning issue - your greatest "10%".  Health? Money? A relationship that needs mending? Something from your past? (some of you are saying - all of the above!).  Pick just one and commit to that. In the midst of the full lives we lead, how can we possibly fit in 10 improvements?


Spend this year working on that one thing. Don't try and deal with the weight, the smoking, the ex, and the aging parents all in one year. That is why we do not stick to improving our 10%s, there are too many to think about.  I respect that other "issues" of life are still around, but your main focus should be that one thing. Spend that year doing what you need to do to make it happen -- gyms, books, websites, counseling, naturopaths, healers, etc.


I create pockets of time (ie. turn the TV off!) and make the commitment. I post my resolution every where, it becomes my theme for that year. I tell everyone what I am working on so they can keep me accountable. Most importantly, I promise myself, at the end of the year, this one thing will have greatly improved. I will not talk about improving the same thing over and over. I will just do it.  It will change your life to improve this way.


Over the next few months I will share with you the 10%'s I have worked on and the journey to get there.


So now, next time someone in a grocery store line asks you if you made any New Year's Resolutions you can say.  "Yes, I made ONE and I am really going to stick to it".


Happy NEW Year.


Don't forget "Focus on the 90%: One simple tool to change the way you view your life." by Darci Lang is available in book and cd format and makes a fabulous gift. Order here

Attitude in Action:
Take the time this week to decide on just one thing you want to change and then you can really succeed.

Quotes to Ponder:
"I consider a goal as a journey rather than a destination. And each year I set a new goal."

-- Curtis Carlson
"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."
-- Oprah Winfrey


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Forward this email to a friend who could use a boost. It's easy for them to sign-up and absolutely free. They just go to www.darcilang.com and sign up.

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Contact Info:
Darci Lang is a Professional Speaker, Trainer and Best Selling Author who has been inspiring people across Canada to improve their attitudes for over 15 years. If you know someone who could benefit from Darci's message at their next conference, quarterly staff meeting or customer appreciation night please ask them to give Darci a call.

Ph: (306) 569-1354
E-mail: info@darcilang.com
Website: www.darcilang.com

© (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Boost" is sent out periodically. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright, 2009, www.darcilang.com). 

Have a Great Attitude Day!