Darci Lang's Attitude Booster: May 2013

Published: Tue, 05/14/13

Turning It Around
by Darci Lang, Speaker and Best-Selling Author

I recently headed out for the busiest week I have ever had in my 20 years of speaking. Day one started like this: I woke up to an upset son whose tooth was in pain, I went to feed our seven year old pet frog, Coconut, to discover she had died in the night, I opened the curtains to head into the yard to feed the birds and it was snowing again (and it was the end of April). I found the perfect box to place our little pet in, called the dentist, gave my boy Tylenol, got ready, packed the car, made lunches, got my thermos of tea and dropped the kids off at school (late). I drove down the road packed and ready to go with my lunch beside me and I get a block away and discover I have a flat tire. I head back home; switch cars with Darren (who is now home to take John to the dentist) unpack my car, repack Darren's car and head out again.

I always listen to something that inspires me to be the best I can be. I discover today, the CD player is broken... I start listening to the news on the radio, something I rarely do. I sat in my vehicle feeling overwhelmed and listening to the negativity in the world did not help. It was now time to start seeing the 90%s.

I turned off the radio and enjoyed the silence and a chance to clear my busy mind. I noticed the cross in the ditch decorated with flowers and prayed for that family. I saw a man hitchhiking dragging his big suitcase behind him and prayed he would find happiness. I saw a tiny little run down farm house like others that dot the prairies and thanked our forefathers and mothers for giving us this start.   I felt grateful that I had a husband who could quickly come home to care for our son, that we lived in a country where a dentist is readily available to us and that we had the money to afford to go. I opened my lunch and my special girl, Jayda, wrote that she loved me on my banana.

I stopped for gas in a tiny little town. Out jumped a man with a weathered face who put gas in my car with pride. He cleaned my windows, checked my oil and for "safety" he said, checked my tire pressure. As we chatted, I thanked him for showing such care towards me. He smiled and said to me, "This job is giving me a second chance." I drove again and I reflected on how being a gas station attendant was, to some, just a job, but for this caring man, a second chance. I arrived in town and met two amazing young women who were running the hotel and restaurant. I settled in and ate a home cooked meal.

I delivered hours of presentations to the nicest rural people. One of them gave me a book she had written, another ran home to get me a video of a priest she enjoys listening too and one more gifted me with a bracelet that she made.

As I sat in my hotel room that evening reflecting on how that day turned around I realized that changing what I focused on had changed my day. I reflected on my 90%s as the huge bell in the church across the street began to ring. A very cool way to end a day packed with 90%s.

Quote to Ponder
"Either you run the day or the day runs you."
Jim Rohn

Attitude in Action
Stop watching, reading or listening to the news or go to a positive news website such as  www.positivenews.com.

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� (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Booster" is sent out periodically. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright, 2013, www.darcilang.com).