Darci Lang's Attitude Booster: January 2015

Published: Fri, 01/23/15

by Darci Lang, Speaker and Best-Selling Author
A young woman shared her philosophy with me that it is important to be nice to people but it is more important to be kind to them. I like to create a theme for the year (rather than a New Year’s resolution) and this year, my theme will be “kindness”. These are some of the ways I could use kindness this year:

At work: I love the words “don’t worry” and I use them a lot. When a client doesn’t get back to me in time, when I wait too long for a supplier to deliver my materials and they respond with an empathic sorry, I always say “don’t worry”.  I like those words, they cut people some slack.

With coworkers:  I love the quote “Be nicer than necessary to everyone you meet. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle.”  I can’t tell you how many times employees will point out to me “the annoying one” or “the weird one” in their workplaces. Just be kind; sometimes we have no idea of their story.

Strangers:  In one week at two different presentations, I had an audience member share with me that when they are having a bad day one of the best ways for them to feel better is when someone does something kind for them. A small gesture like paying for someone’s coffee in the drive through, leaving a coin in the shopping cart or letting a car in while driving, can make a difference in someone’s day.

Your family: I travel a lot. When I travel, I like to leave lists for my family to do while I am away. I can get really focused on those lists being done. I have been guilty of sitting in airports texting the lists again to be sure everyone is caught up. That is not a kind way to say hi to my family. Now I just text and say hi, I love them and appreciate them. Then I pray for the lists to be done. : )

Yourself: Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself. Drink your water, eat your veggies, get some exercise, and get enough sleep. If you are not kind to yourself first, you cannot be kind to anyone else.

Let’s look for more opportunities to be kind in 2015. You just might make someone’s day.

Happy New Year!
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� (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Booster" is sent out monthly. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright 2015).