Darci Lang's Attitude Booster: February 2015

Published: Fri, 02/13/15

Best Ever
by Darci Lang, Speaker and Best-Selling Author

Since my theme this year is kindness, I wanted to share some ways 90% ways to be kind to those that you love in this love-filled month.

Read "Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman and learn how to express love – the way they want. See each other through your 90% lens.  It was one of the best things we ever did for our marriage.

Write a note in their lunch and tell them you love them. (Or write it on the banana peel.)

Celebrate Valentines Day a week before or a week after.  You avoid the rush of restaurants and the higher priced flowers.  Remember, it’s not the day, but the time together that counts.

Write a note in the steam on the washroom mirror.

Call, email or text someone you love right now and just tell them why you love them.

Hug everyone. I grew up believing that you should leave everyone as if you may never see them again. 

Mail a card to your spouse's or partner's workplace. There is something great about receiving a card in the mail.

Order food in and watch a funny movie as a family.

We play a game called “Guess why I love you?”  We go around the table and everyone has to answer. It forces our children to see the good qualities in themselves.

Change the display name on your phone for everyone you love.  My husband Darren is Freddy (long story), Jayda is “best daughter ever” and John is “best son ever.”   

Happy Valentines Day!
Forward this email to a friend who could use a boost.

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� (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Booster" is sent out monthly. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright 2015).