Saskatoon Public Workshop Darci Lang – Focus on the 90%

Published: Wed, 08/05/15

Hope you are having a great 90% summer!
Just wanted to let you know about my upcoming seminar.  The early bird pricing ends on Tuesday.

are proud to present

Darci Lang
“Focus on the 90%”
(Growing, Together)

Public Workshop, Sept. 22nd, Saskatoon

Darci uses one simple tool to help you and your organization start Growing, Together! To grow as leaders at home and in the workplace, we need to focus on the 90% that works. This focus will create growth as individuals, as companies, as co-workers, and as entrepreneurs, which grows the economy - because the economy is really us!

When: Tuesday, September 22nd. Choose one of two sessions, 9:00 - 12:00 noon or 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.; Coffee and snacks provided
Where:  TCU Place, Saskatoon; map
More information: below, attached poster  or at
Who should attend: Manager, staff members, friends or family.
Tickets: $149+gst Early-bird until August 11th; (Regular price $199+gst)
How to register: Click here or call 306 569-1354. 

  • to grow the 90% that works and stop dwelling on the 10% that doesn't.
  • to control you response to tough situations and frustrating people.
  • how your attitude (good or bad) ripples out and affects your growth and the growth of those around you and your organization.
  • to focus on what you can control and let go of the rest.

“Her message of focusing on the 90% positive has stayed with me over the past six years and really made a difference in how I view my work and personal life. She has the ability to connect to everyone in the room in a humorous, entertaining, and in a down-to-earth way so that people can take her message and apply it to their own personal situation. It is a universal message that applies to all and well worth the time and effort to attend.” - Kathy Langford RN, Education Coordinator, Prairie Mountain Health

About Darci…
At the age of 46, Darci is a professional speaker, a best-selling author, a blogger, a wife and a mom.  She walks the fine line of balancing home, family and work. Using her magnifying glass, she sees a way to Focus on the 90%s in her world, and she can inspire anyone to do the same.  She truly is someone who “Walks the Talk”.

Adopting her positive 90% technique has changed lives!

“Darci provided everyone with tools on how to look at things in a more positive light, both at work and in their personal life.  Feedback from staff attending has all been very positive, it was a great uplifting presentation, and I would highly recommend staff to attend.” - Judy Teale, Training Coordinator, Saskatchewan Penitentiary
When: Tuesday, September 22nd. Choose one of two sessions, 9:00 - 12:00 noon or 1:30 - 4:30 p.m.; Coffee and snacks provided
Where:  TCU Place, Saskatoon; map
More information: below, attached poster  or at
Who should attend: Manager, staff members, friends or family.
Tickets: $149+gst Early-bird until August 11th; (Regular price $199+gst)
How to register: Click here or call 306 569-1354. 

“I cannot tell you how many people have positively commented on your presentation or how many times I've raved about it to others and it's only 3:15 the day after! You are a living example, for me, of what I need to change… I truly thank you for making a difference.” - Valerie Lukash, Sasktel

Please forward this information to any team members, friends or family who could benefit from this session.  We have also attached a poster, if you care to post it around your organization.
Space is limited so if you are interested, please let us know as soon as possible.

Please forward this information to any co-workers, friends or family who may be interested. 
If you have any questions, please call me at 306 569-1354.

Have a great day

(Marketing Manager for Darci Lang) 
Forward this email to a friend who could use a boost.

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� (copyright) Darci Lang's "Attitude Booster" is sent out monthly. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright 2015).