Darci Lang's Attitude Booster: December 2015

Published: Thu, 12/10/15

Pay It Forward
by Darci Lang, Speaker and Author

Often we get so caught up in our lives, we start focusing on the 10%s. A great way to move our focus onto the 90%s is to do nice things for others — to give them a 90% to focus on!

As I am standing in line, the woman in front of me says, “Sorry I have to cancel my order, my card isn’t working.” I walk up to the cashier and say that I am happy to pay for the smoothie. The customer thanks me profusely. When I say, “Don’t worry about it, just pay it forward”, she looks at me in amazement. Then she says, “Years ago, I watched the movie called ‘Pay It Forward’ and I have tried to go into my life and do just that. You buying my smoothie today was the first time anyone has paid it forward to me!”  I couldn’t believe a smoothie could make someone’s day. 

For the month of December, I decided I would pay it forward and do 90% things for other people. Here are some things I have done so far:   
  • Paid for the coffee in the car behind me in the drive through, every time.
  • Gave everyone who begged for money, money or food.
  • In the airport, two war veterans in full uniform were sitting in their wheelchairs. I told them I had a gift card I would love to use to buy them both a coffee. We had such a great visit.
  • A very rude man was berating a cashier. After he left, I reassured the cashier that it was not her fault and she was doing a wonderful job. I bought her chocolates.
  • Gathered and delivered food and clothing for two families I know who are in need.
  • A man asks if he can cut in front of me to order his tea first, I say, “Of course.” Minutes later he pays for my shoe shine to thank me. A day later, same airport, I see him getting a shoe shine, I take him a tea.
  • A young woman dumps her change on the counter and asks, “What will this buy me?” It was enough for a cookie. It tore at my heart to watch her eating that little cookie alone. I approach her in the restaurant and tell her I would love to buy her a drink and lunch to go with that cookie. She hugs me and says, “May God bless your many days.”
So my booster friend, my challenge is for you to go out in December and pay it forward.  Find opportunities to do something kind for someone else. Trust me, it will bless you more than it could ever bless them.

Don't forget to take a minute to share how you made someone else's day in the comments on my blog or my Facebook page!

Merry Christmas,
Public Workshops:

Focus on the 90%
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 from 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. or 1:30 - 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Western Development Museum, North Battleford
More information here.
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Copyright: Darci Lang's "Attitude Booster" is sent out monthly. Parts of this publication may be reproduced by attaching the following footnote (Darci Lang copyright 2015).