My dad got custody of me very young. He would tell you that we grew up together. Here is what I learned from him:
You have a choice on how you turn out, despite your childhood.
When crappy things happen to you, get help and talk about them so that they don’t bog you down throughout your life.
Every child needs a pet to grow up with. They teach you unconditional love.
My dad grounded me when I was a teenager and had me work with him in his garage; but it was not for my benefit, it was for his. He wanted us to spend time together. He knew that the most precious thing a parent could give was their time and attention.
If you wanted a Volkswagen of your own, you had to help build it. (This was also a ploy to spend time together.)
If your dad didn’t like your boyfriend, he wasn’t a good guy. Dads seem to have a way of knowing this.
Don’t lend money to your kids, make them earn what they want because it means more and instills a sense of pride and accomplishment in them.
Everyone needs to know how to change their own oil.
Being a mechanic meant that you did a job that most didn’t know how to do. The customer who would be rude to my dad didn’t even know how to change his own oil.
When your 16-year-old girl calls you to tell you that her tire is flat, you tell her to change it herself. You empower your children when you allow them to figure things out on their own.
When the police bring them home from a party, you save the lecture for the morning.
When they leave home at 18 years old, you let them go. You never let them know how hard it was for you.
Always say "I love you".
Happy Father’s day!