Now that a new normal has settled in, I have been crossing off long lists at work and at home. I am living my 90% message and taking great care of my family, my business and myself. I am so grateful to be healthy.
As I work away in my business and my home there is not a day that goes by that I am not mindful of those who are not doing well. Those living in countries without the health care and financial support Canada is able to offer. Those suffering with Covid, those who are lonely and mentally unwell. I pray for those who have lost loved ones and those who are away from family. And then there are those disappointed by canceled weddings,
ceremonies, graduations, trips and birthday celebrations. I pray for them too.
Every single day I think about the workers who are on the front line for all of us while are at home, safe and well.
It is National Nurses week and there isn’t a better time to honor the nurses and all of the essential workers for their selfless, tireless service throughout the world. I pray you are taking care of yourselves. I hope that at the end of your long work days you have a refuge to practice self-care. I hope you have support at home. I also pray that when the world gets back on its feet, you will be honored and revered for all you have done
to put your lives on the line for us.
When you start to feel frustrated with your day and you are looking at your life through a 10% lens, stop and move that magnifying glass to the 90%. Be grateful. Give thanks that you are healthy enough to do all you are doing. And, while you’re at it, show extra appreciation to those on the front line, too. We really couldn’t get through this without them.
Deeply Grateful,