Two dynamic
speakers, one amazing webinar experience!
Feb 17, 24 and March 3, 10 (10am – 12 noon)
Let’s face it, 2020 was a tough year for everyone. We’d like to help. We are offering an inspiring webinar series starting Feb 17th. It will give your team the tools to cope through COVID and stay more positive and
The Sask Government is also helping out by providing a training grant to cover the cost of this webinar and help support your group during this difficult time.
If you are interested in receiving full grant funding for your team to attend you should apply in the next few days. We can greatly simplify the grant application process for you. Email us at for all the grant details.
Find all the webinar details here.
Take good care.
Darren and Darci Lang
Ph: 306 535-3233