Here is what a year of very different has taught me…
Resilience. I've learned many skills and tools to deal with trauma, crisis and stress but resilience has always been my go-to.
Innovation. After 27 years of speaking, Sandra and I have a lot of structure in place to get me out the door each week. We are a very well-oiled machine. This year, we had to overhaul that machine. A year later, we are still improving it as we speed down the highway at 100 miles an hour.
Kindness.This year has been very hard on people. Some are really struggling. This year, I committed to doing many random acts of kindness to remind others that I care about them and that they are not alone. How will you be remembered by your coworkers, clients and friends when this is all over?
Positivity. Of course, I miss my old job, the human connection, and working in an empty house but these are the 10%s that I have no control over. I choose to put my 90% magnifying glass in front of me and ask, “What is good today?" and "What do I have control over?”
Love. I give my workday the best of me and I strive to have something left at the end of the day for those that I love. Does your family think that you are doing well?
Readiness. I have been asking my webinar guests for a year, "Who do you want to be when Covid is over?" It’s not too late to decide on how to move forward.
See you on the other side. I can't wait.